
Arnold House (1693)

History Along the Great Road (Lincoln, Rhode Island)

Arnold House is a rare surviving example of a stone-ender, a once-common building type featuring a massive chimney end wall. Built by Eleazer Arnold in 1693, the house features stone work that reflects the origins and skills of the settlers who emigrated from the western part of England. The house is a National Historic Landmark.

Arnold, a landowner with a wife and ten children, secured a license for a “Public House.” Tavern customers were probably served in the great room or hall of the house. The structure has sustained many alterations over the centuries. Tour Arnold House and see evidence of seventeenth-century construction methods, eighteenth-century additions, nineteenth-century graffiti, and the twentieth-century approach to preservation that restored the house to its present appearance.

Plan Your Visit


487 Great Road
Lincoln, R.I. 02865

Days & Hours

June – October 15

Tours on the hour
11 AM – 3 PM


$10 adults
$9 seniors
$5 students and children

Free for Historic New England members


Tour involves standing, walking, and stairs. Visitors with limited mobility may be able to enjoy a first floor tour of the house and grounds. Folding chairs are provided for visitors who would like to use them while on tour. The site is not equipped with ramps, elevators, or lifts and there is no air-conditioning. Service animals are welcome. We are happy to work with you to make your visit an enjoyable one and we encourage visitors with questions or requests to call ahead.


Follow Route 295 to RI-146 South, exit 9. Exit at RI-123, Breakneck Rd. Go east (left) on Breakneck Road for 1.5 miles. The parking area for Arnold House is on the left before the house.


There is a town-owned parking area west (left) of the Arnold House on Great Road. It is marked with a sign that reads “Gateway Park.”

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A Rare Surviving Stone-Ender

The house was built in 1693 by Eleazer Arnold, a prominent Providence man who lived there year-round with his wife Eleanor Smith and ten children.

  • A Rare Surviving Stone-Ender

    The house was built in 1693 by Eleazer Arnold, a prominent Providence man who lived there year-round with his wife Eleanor Smith and ten children.

  • Great Room

    This is the largest first-floor room, where the family would have spent most of their time.

  • Rear Lean-to

    The house's large size allowed for a separate kitchen or cooking space, unlike many smaller stone-enders, where cooking took place in the great room.

  • Great Chamber

    The fireplace in this room, although large, is very shallow and would not have been used for cooking, just for heating.

  • Garret

    The garret is one of the best places to see the framing and evidence of earlier alterations to the building.

  • Croade Tavern

    In 1931 a nearby historic house, Croade Tavern, was moved to the Arnold House site, where it became the caretaker quarters.

Woodland along a small streamQuinsnicket

Indigenous Peoples have lived on what is now called the State of Rhode Island for thousands of years and they are still here. Particularly along the waterways, First Peoples including the Narragansett, Nipmuck and Wampanoag nations, stewarded the area known today as Lincoln, which was a crossroads or territorial intersection.  Waterways such as the Blackstone and Moshassuck Rivers were fertile ground for fishing, hunting, gathering and some agriculture. There is one extremely rare Paleo-Indian period (10,000–6,000 BCE) site and several Archaic Period (6,000–500 BCE) sites documented in Lincoln.  The Narragansett People named this general area Quinsnicket, which means “place of large rocks.”  Indigenous Peoples established a pathway through Quinsnicket which was used by the Nipmuc People and Wampanoag People, as well as the Narragansett People. In 1683, English colonists expanded this route further and named it Great Road, the first highway in the future state of Rhode Island.

Several brutal conflicts including what was known as the Pequot War and King Philip’s War resulted in injury, death, imprisonment, relocation, and enslavement for Indigenous Peoples.  This devastation was coupled with the already disastrous impact of contact with disease for which Indigenous nations possessed no immunity – and still Indigenous communities remained.  This aftermath presented opportunity for land acquisition for colonists like the Arnolds.

Property Care - Arnold - 2002.dendro - ARN.05222002.Chimney ElevEleazer Arnold Homestead

In 1685 Eleazer Arnold inherited the land on which Arnold House sits from his father Thomas. The area that is now known as Lincoln was originally part of Providence. The original purchasers of the town, including Thomas Arnold, were granted parcels of land in this northern portion of Providence. It was once thought that the house was built soon after Eleazer obtained the land, but dendrochronology has dated the house to 1693. The site he chose to build upon was close to the Great Road, the only road that connected this wilderness to Providence. By the time the house was built, Eleazer had been married Eleanor Smith for more than twenty years. They had ten children; in 1693 their ages ranged from twenty-one to younger than ten.

Eleazer Arnold was a very influential man within the community. He served on the Providence Town Council between 1684 and 1686. He served as a deputy of the General Assembly eight times between the years 1686 and 1715. He was also Justice of the Peace from 1705 to 1709. In 1710 he was granted license for a “Publick House.” Because the house was situated on the Great Road, the only traveled road between Providence and the growing villages between the rivers, it was a logical site for a tavern. Tavern customers were probably served in the great room or hall of the house.

In 1685 the surrounding area was heavily wooded. The house was one of few permanent structures in the area. Removed from the wooded areas were pockets of land along the river valleys which were rich in meadows for grazing livestock. The vast forests such as the nearby Quinsnicket Woods, now Lincoln Woods, were considered valuable hunting spots. The Moshassuck and the much larger Blackstone Rivers were used for fishing, and the numerous ponds and streams were invaluable water sources. The area at the head waters of the Moshassuck River was also found early on to be rich in lime deposits. Lime was quarried and burned at Lime Rock as early as the 1660s.

In this country, houses like Arnold House are known as “stone-enders,” a type that is unique to Rhode Island in the United States. It is a building form that can be traced back to Wales, Sussex, and the western counties of England, where building in stone was the tradition. It is thought that the early colonists of the area built their houses in the styles with which they were most familiar. Arnold House appears to be an adaptation of an English Tudor cottage, including the pilastered stonework of the Elizabethan-style chimney. This stone-end structure was built with local fieldstone and lime mortar, possibly from the nearby Lime Rock deposits.

These early stone-end structures were mostly built prior to 1700. They were typically one-and-a-half stories, containing a single room with a fireplace at one end and a garret above, usually used as a sleeping chamber; a good example is Historic New England’s nearby Clemence-Irons House. Arnold House is quite spacious by contrast; it has two stories, four rooms on the first floor (two heated), two on the second (one heated), and an attic illuminated with a large façade gable.

After Eleazer Arnold’s death, the house passed through generations of his descendants, never leaving the Arnold family until it was given to Historic New England in 1918. These later generations altered the house to suit their needs and changing lifestyles. During much of the nineteenth century, the house was inhabited by women who had been widowed by Arnold men or were unmarried Arnold daughters. The circumstances of the time meant that when women were heads of the house, those periods were more difficult and not as prosperous as when Arnold men were wealthy landowners.

Although industry played an important role in shaping the Blackstone and Moshassuck River Valleys, the Arnolds and their land were not dramatically affected by it. By the time of the Industrial Revolution, they were a well-established family with significant land holdings. At a time when mill villages surrounded them, they retained the integrity of their farmland. They did, however, take advantage of the situations that surrounded them and dabbled in industry. Mentioned throughout the land records that exist for Arnold House are the small business operations of the family over the years. At one point they owned a blacksmith shop and they used the power of the Moshassuck River to run their corn mill and corn distillery. A family member named Preserved Arnold was an investor in a cotton spinning mill in the nearby village of Albion and many generations of Arnolds had rights to the lime and lime kilns in several nearby locations.

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Could not find this in RS

Becoming a Museum

In 1918, when the last generation of Arnold House inhabitants died without children, their great nieces and great nephews gave the house to the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, now Historic New England, in memory of Sabra Arnold. At this time, the house and the tiny parcel of land on which it sits were separated from the remainder of the land, which was sold. Also in 1918, Croade Tavern (c. 1700), the last survivor of Joseph Jencks’ original settlement in what is now the downtown of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, was relocated to the property at the rear of the house for use as a residence.

Two phases of restoration have taken place since 1918. The first phase was overseen by Norman M. Isham, a pioneer of architectural restoration, in 1920. This phase proved to be one of exploration and stabilization of the structure. The second phase of restoration began in 1950. What began as the complete structural rehabilitation of the house and chimney resulted in the restoration of the house to its seventeenth-century appearance. Most of the later alterations to the house were removed, including the rear lean-to, later fireplaces that had been built into the original hearths, brick ovens, and room partitions.

The resulting configuration after years of evolution and restoration is a two-story house with a stone chimney mass occupying most of the west wall and a small later chimney on the east wall. The later alterations that remain include the addition to the second floor that occurred when the roof was raised to allow for the full two stories and the staircase that was part of the rear lean-to.

During the 1950s restoration, several early alterations were replaced with recreations of what was thought to have existed in the seventeenth century. The double-hung sash windows have been replaced by smaller casements with leaded glass panes. The Federal-style paneled front door and door surround were replaced with the batten board door in the house today. Much of the fabric of the house has been reconstructed over the years.

Today Arnold House is open seasonally and hosts a popular birthday celebration for President Lincoln, after whom the town was named.

Property FAQs

Find out about parking, restrooms, the photography policy and more.

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  • Where should I park when visiting Arnold House?

    Parking is located in Gateway Park just west of Arnold House.

  • Are there restrooms at Arnold House?

    Yes, a restroom is available on the second floor, accessed by stairs.

  • What is the building behind Arnold House?

    This building is called Croade Tavern. It was built in Pawtucket on Dexter Street in the late 1700s and was moved to its current location in 1931. This building is now a private residence.

  • Can I use my metal detector here?

    Historic New England believes that any artifact recovered with or without a metal detector is an integral part of the site and should not be disturbed. Because of that we do not grant permission for anyone to metal detect or remove any artifact from a site for any reason.

  • When did Historic New England acquire Arnold House?

    Historic New England acquired Arnold House as a gift from the Arnold family in 1918.

  • Who built Arnold House?

    In 1685 Eleazer Arnold (1651-1722) inherited 140 acres of land from his father, Thomas Arnold, and built what is now known as Arnold House in 1693.

  • Are there other historic houses nearby?

    Arnold House is part of the Great Road Historic District in the heart of the Blackstone Valley National Heritage Corridor. Just east of Arnold House is the Saylesville Friends Meeting House (1703), the oldest continuously used Quaker Meeting House in New England. West of Arnold House are the Moffett Mill (1812); Hearthside (1810), a magnificent Federal-style stone mansion with tenfireplaces; and the Hannaway Blacksmith Shop (1880) at Chase Farm Park (1890).

  • Why is the chimney covered in lime wash?

    Around 2010 the stone end was covered in lime wash, in a process known as galleting and sneck harling. It is believed the house looked this way in 1693. It also helps protect the stone wall and chimney from the weather and reduces moisture in the house.

  • Has Arnold House been restored?

    Arnold House has been restored twice, first shortly after it was acquired by Historic New England. A more extensive restoration took place in the 1950s. The second renovation brought the house back to how it looked in 1693.

  • How do I become a member of Historic New England and get more involved?

    Join Historic New England now and help preserve the region’s heritage. Call 617-994-5910 or join online.

  • Do I need to take a tour or can I just look around?

    All visitors to the house receive a guided tour.

  • Can I take photographs in the museum?

    Interior and exterior photography for personal use is allowed at Historic New England properties. For the safety and comfort of our visitors and the protection of our collections and house museums, we ask that you be aware of your surroundings and stay with your guide. Video, camera bags, tripods, and selfie sticks are not permitted. Professional/commercial photographers and members of the media should visit the press room for more information.

  • Do you provide admission discounts for EBT cardholders?

    EBT cardholders from all fifty states can show their card for $2 admission to house tours for up to four guests per card.

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