Group Tours at Rundlet-May House (1807)

Early nineteenth-century urban showplace

Merchant James Rundlet furnished his Federal mansion with fine Portsmouth-made furniture and imported wallpapers and installed the latest technology for cooking and heating. Four generations of the same family lived in the house with an eye towards preserving this important legacy. The beautiful gardens behind the house, with roses, peonies, pet cemetery, and orchard, still follow Rundlet’s original layout.

364 Middle Street, Portsmouth, N.H.

Hours of Operation:

Specialty Tours

We are happy to work with you to customize your experience.

  • Guided House Tour: Enjoy an approximately one-hour guided tour; please allow one and a half hours for your visit.
  • Comfort and Convenience: Explore changes in domestic technology in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This special tour visits areas of the house not normally open to the public, such as the basement and the service ell. See a progression of modern conveniences including a Rumford roaster and boiler, a privy with wallpaper and a 1930s bathroom, and early central heating systems.

  • Portsmouth Furniture: A focus tour on Portsmouth as the third-largest furniture exporter in the colonies during the Federal period, and the special collection of furniture at Rundlet-May House passed down through generations of the same family. See fine examples of Portsmouth-made furniture including works by cabinetmaker Langley Boardman, and learn about unique design features.

Tour Details


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