
First Nautical Ball of the Officers and Employees of the Cape Cod Canal invitation


A formal invitation to the first nautical ball of the officers and employees of the Cape Cod Canal, held at the Colonial Casino, Onset, Mass. on Wednesday evening, February 12, 1919, music by Mace Gay, 10 pieces. The front of the invitation includes a Cape Cod Canal logo that consists of three red Cs interlocked. It also includes anchor illustrations in each of the four corners, and an illustration of a ship on the water at the top. Inside the invitation lists invited guests: Capt. and Mrs. H. L. Colbeth, Capt. Arthur L. Crowley, and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Auten. An insert in the invitation describes the order of the dances to be played. The back cover lists the people involved in organizing the event, including George G. Rochester, the floor director, and two assistants: Henry I. Bolles and Stephen Hayes. The Committee of Arrangement was made up of: Carleton S. Nye (chairman), Samuel S. Gilbert, John C. Howard, Henry R. Holt, Harold Champion, Harry Drinkwater, Augustus F. Wagner, T. N. Sanborn, H. P. Dunbar, Augustine F. Lambert, Everett N. Freeman, Guy Packard, Nathaniel Ellis, James L. Baker, and Louis J. Girard.


Descriptive Terms

balls (parties)
officers (military officers)

Physical Descrption

1 invitation

Collection Code


Collection Name

Nina Heald Webber Cape Cod Canal collection

Reference Code



Onset (Plymouth County, Massachusetts)

Record Details


United States. Army. Corps of Engineers

Material Type


Other People

Rochester, George G.
Bolles, Henry I.
Hayes, Stephen
Nye, Carleton S.
Gilbert, Samuel S.
Howard, John C.
Holt, Henry R.
Champion, Harold
Drinkwater, Harry
Wagner, Augustus F.
Sanborn, T. N.
Dunbar, H. P.
Lambert, Augustine F.
Freeman, Everett N.
Packard, Guy
Ellis, Nathaniel
Baker, James L.
Girard, Louis J.

Other Organizations

Colonial Casino

Description Level


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