1 Main Hallway, second floor, looking back
2 First floor SW, parlor
3 Front hall looking back, back door open
4 First Floor, NW, dining room
5 First floor, SW, parlor
6 Front hall looking back, back door closed
7 Front Hall with front door open
8 Kitchen
9 Second floor ell, Mary Galvin's room
10 Main hallway, second floor, looking front
11 Second floor NW, Dr. Eastman's room
12 Second Floor NW, Dr. Eastman's room
13 Second floor NE, Miss Sarah's room
14 Second floor SE, guest room
15 Second floor NE, Miss Sarah's room
16 Second floor NE, Miss Sarah's room
17 Second floor SW, Miss Mary's room
18 Second floor NW, Dr. Eastman's room
19 Second floor SE, guest room
20 First floor NE, breakfast room
21 First Floor SE, library
22 Front stairs, looking towards front door
23 Second floor SW, Miss Mary's room
24 First floor NW, dining room
25 First floor NE, breakfast room
26 Second floor SE, guest room
27 Looking from second floor hall into Mary Jewett's bedroom
28 First floor SE, library
29 First floor NW, dining room
30 First floor SW, parlor
31 First floor SE, library
32 Room off the first floor kitchen
33 First floor NE, breakfast room
34 Second floor NE, Miss Sarah's room
35 Dining room [glassware]
36 Dining room [glassware, pitchers]
37 At the fence are the 3 old servants: Katie at left, Mary in middle, John at right
38 Stable at right
39 Front exterior
40 Dining room [glassware]
41 Rear of the Sarah Orne Jewett House
42 Second floor ell, Catherine Galvin's room
43 Porch at front door
44 Dining room [glassware]
45 Second floor SW, Miss Mary's room
interior views
halls (interior spaces)
black-and-white prints (photographs)
45 photographic prints : black-and-white
Historic New England properties photographic collection
South Berwick (York county, Maine)
Kingsbury Studio (Photographer)
black-and-white prints (photographs)
Jewett, Mary Rice, 1847-1930
Jewett, Sarah Orne, 1849-1909
Historic New England (Organization)
Architectural photography
Historic New England properties
File part
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