
"Louis XV Chairs 7"

Collection Type

  • Photography


1880-1973, undated



You can find this within

Browse Collection


Photo album titled: "Louis XV Chairs 7." Title is hand printed in black on front cover; title and volume number are hand printed in black on spine. Album has a beige fabric covering and 114 dark gray pages, all of which are now loose. Fourty-four of the pages are blank. Album contains 70 mounted black-and-white photographs, thirty-seven of which are of French furniture. The remaining thirty-three photographs are of a variety of arm chairs and side chairs in the Louis XV style manufactured by A. H. Davenport Co., Irving and Casson, and their successor, Irving and Casson - A. H. Davenport Co. The order number and year are often shown on a display in the photographs; model numbers are also provided in some cases. Two customer names are noted on album pages: F. H. Stuart (Newton, MA) and Mrs. E. J. Switzer (Amherst, MA). Digital images of a selection of photographs from the album are attached to this record.


Descriptive Terms

chairs (furniture forms)
side chairs
Louis XV
photograph albums
black-and-white photographs

Additional Identification Number

Strong Museum number 25.7

Physical Description

1 photo album containing 114 pages and 70 photographs (14 3/4 x 12 1/2 x 3 inches)

Collection Code


Collection Name

Irving and Casson - A. H. Davenport -- Collection I

Date of Acquisition


Reference Code


Acquisition Type

Museum Purchase


14 3/4 x 12 1/2 x 3 (HxWxD)(inches)

Record Details


Irving & Casson - A. H. Davenport Co. (Compiler)
A. H. Davenport Co. (American furniture manufactory, active late 19th-early 20th centuries) (Compiler)
Irving & Casson

Material Type

photograph albums
black-and-white photographs

Description Level


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